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Yesterday, In a new Vanity Fair interview, the actress turned auteur reveals how filmmaking has impacted her life.
Angelina Jolie makes her directing debut in the war romance, In the Land of Blood and Honey, a project that has affected her both personally and professionally.“I’ve never felt more exposed. My whole career, I’ve hidden behind other people’s words,” she said in Vanity Fair’s October cover story. “Now it’s me talking. You feel ridiculous if you get something wrong.”
The actress wrote the script, which is set against the backdrop of the Bosnian Civil War in the 1990s, while laid up with the flu and isolated from her family. Trusting no one else to helm her project, Jolie stepped in to direct the film, casting all unknown local actors and filming in both Serbo-Croation and English.
“Brad thinks I’m going to be a nightmare,” she joked of how the project would change her acting career. “I had such a good experience he thinks I’m going to be impatient with directors, which I already am. I get impatient with people working on a film that have their head in their hands like it’s the most complicated thing in the world.”
In addition to seeking advice from partner and father to her children, Brad Pitt, Jolie also gauged the accuracy of the script with “reporters and writers, people of Serbian and Bosnian nationality who’d been through the war.”
“If they said no, I wouldn’t have done it,” she added.